
Friday, June 3, 2011

Like computers Evolved - history and generation of computer

Evolution of computer drastically and dramatically. Computers have years of existence in the early 1950s, but people were not able to use them. If you think that the word computer, many people only on the computer desktop, but actually begins with our host computer to be mentioned.

Therefore, a computer can be defined as an electronic input, process and output information. Take the case of a calculator, adding numbers as 1 +1= 2, now you input data, which is 1 +1, this data will be treated with the addition of us to be 2. Now there are two process information that is issued.

Computers & Guide

The first computers were invented to be very large, slow and time consuming with limited capabilities. Computers and computer history has undergone various phases as the first to develop, starting with the first generation computer first, we had the computers that were ABACUSlimited by their ability

The first generation have been developed in the early 1940's with the architects of their valuable electronic equipment. They were charged and without them would be vacuum-tube computer for operating the first generation did not come in second generation computers, computers are better than the first generation of leading computing slowly, were an example of this ABM was the second-generation 7000 series.

AsThe computer continued to develop people in generations to learn more about yourself and the invention was for the better, because this is the third generation of computers was realized, generations of computers were this stronger second-generation computer in the first place, and the use of integrated circuits commonly known as IC. An example of the third generation of IBM 360 series.

The third generation of computers has led to the fourth generation of computerHistory, with this generation were electronic function better, more efficient and have fewer errors than the relatively old computer. And these computers are used in our day to day. They are also IC chip for their daily operations. The fourth generation of computers after the fifth generation, the computer will become stronger and take on the ability to train people, leadership. This is known as artificial intelligence, in someInstances are the robots used for some works that have been made by man.

Like computers Evolved - history and generation of computer


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