
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Importance of computers

The first computer was Charles Babbage, who was as wide as long bus and it turned out 6 seconds. Since then the evolution of the computer is started. was established for the promotion of technology and the introduction to semiconductors and transistors on the market for computer-growth. The famous people like Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft Corporation and Thomas John Watson, Jr., the first CEO of IBM (International Business Machines), both brought huge increase wasDevelopment of the computer market and development.

Thomas John Watson, Jr., has focused a lot on computer punch cards. Bill Gates is considered the "father of the computer revolution." The popularity of computers began in 1980 with scientists and researchers. Most of the scientists to publish their papers online through the use of simple computer TCP / IP. Scientists and computer geeks started developing applications for computers, the work would lead to simplecommon man. started the popularity of personal computers in 1990, each family had held in the computers at this time.

Computers & Guide

Computers helping people, giving them the art of creativity. Previously used to build applications and to divide them. This led to the creation of many software companies. Today, eBay,, presumably because of their dedication and the development of an invention. At that time required more computer memory that the application is necessaryDo a job, fast. This also applies to the rapid development conducted in the computer hardware market. programming languages ​​such as "Java" was introduced after 1990 time.

JAVA was previously called "Oak", which has a tree outside the house of the developers of Windows was made. Java has a different taste from C, have a computer programmer, and it was as open-source platform has been the development of Sun Microsystems. PHP earlier as instruments of personal home pages are used extensively in the Web announcedDevelopment nowadays was introduced in 1995, as originally drafted. Computers in the 21 century was more advanced and user-friendly whole century of hard work done by programmers in the 20th. Since then, in the 21 century, there was no need for special skills to use computers as an operating system that was easy, even a little 'Joe can operate the computer.

We see that after the dot com bubble companies that survived are now at the best companies in these electronic devices,Amazon. Today, every computer is bundled with free software package. The applications pre-installed on your computer as a music player, video player keeps the user's computer and some software makes the job easier for IT professionals. These software are all the days of MS-Office, OpenOffice, PowerPoint for presentation. , Social networking etc running days as popular as the image of movie stars, computer platform for people to their loved ones networking online.This small factor computers do as a great machine. Computer fits into small places in each house, and everyone can afford. You can book train or air tickets online, this blog, the search for knowledge or study material. The non-profit organization founded by Jimmy Wales and supplies available free encyclopedia that is edited by millions of people around the world in many languages.

Today, you can connect your phone with your computerimportant documents and data. With the computer with an Internet connection, files such as online music, video, project files etching the future of modern computers and laptops, are stronger now, remember my words ...

Quote - "The technology is directly proportional to the time" - Swapnil

Importance of computers


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