
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Teens, Computer and Internet

parenting forum recently buzzing with parents looking for ideas on how to have their children spend much time on the computer and the Internet to keep. It seems that people these days young people connected to the computer, as they were hooked on television a decade ago. Whether it's access to MySpace, downloading songs from iTunes, blogging, chatting with each other via IM, or spacing out surfing the Web, mounting evidence shows that teen computer use can in somecases classified as mandatory or even an addiction.

How do you know as a parent when your teen uses the computer too far? There is no litmus test is simple. If your teen loves to play games online, can not be alone. However, if your teen by sacrificing social opportunities or spending more than 25 hours per week seems to be the online gaming arena, maybe something wrong.

Computers & Guide

One of the most popular games, World of Warcraft is a self-containedOnline world with millions of different players from dozens of countries around the world. This area attracts young people online in a simple, and some are known to remain active in World of Warcraft site for more than 70 or 80 hours per week.

Today's teenager also has access to a variety of services available on the computer and the Internet. Instead of using the phone they use instant messaging. Do not put the pictures on the corner drug store out of print, but callsdigital images on MySpace, share them with friends and all the others once. The ever-present radio or stereo have fallen out of fashion, because the computer sound much better and the attached woofer makes the room vibrate even more. A film on television is replaced with playing a DVD on your computer. Teenagers can also do their homework and school projects on the computer.

Since many people should be dependent on the Internet, parents are ableRecognize when their teen is developing a bad habit. The isolation, the repetitive nature of computer work in general in relation to the development of atrophy. In addition, concerned parents when their kids are not getting enough exercise, diet and sleep. A friend of mine told me a few days ago, "I began my 11 year old son play on the Internet in four hours o 'the morning!"

What Parents Can Do

I spent most of the time on the computer to write thisBook now for the past few months. Since our kids tend to do, because more often than, as you say, look, I know this is not a good time to bring this subject with my daughter.

To have a good argument and proof plan when approaching your teen to discuss this topic, it is important that you know exactly what your boyfriend while you computer and how much time is being spent for each activity. To determine which activities will allow, and which sitesor activities should be limited.

Your plan should also include how much time is allowed for each activity and how many hours you are willing to allow a week. The Internet has become an unsafe place for young people in many ways, so that you are one of the software packages available that allows parental control similar to the parental controls can block certain television programs are established. Be prepared for your teenager: "What do you want me to do instead"

Place aExample. If you cut a drug addict or an online solitaire, use back to your computer, a good example. Take time to connect with the child in touch and bring your family together for non-computer/TV activities, and will likely see reduced to using computers.

Christina Botto has to help parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years observing and participating in the development of parenting strategies. Their dedication to helping parents inspiredwrite their books, help me with my boyfriend! A step-by-step guide for parents who work.

Teens, Computer and Internet


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