
Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Facts About Computers - Seven common misconceptions

So - think you know everything about computers, please There are a lot of popular misconceptions on the machines with which to live, work and play with you. So maybe you might not know that your PC just as you think.

Here are some popular myths about computers.

Computers & Guide

You must leave your PC on all the time. There is nothing wrong with periodically switching off the machine, it is actually useful.

Delete deleted filesforever. You should never consider the computer completely "clean" after a drop of files to the Trash.

Magnets murder of your data. A strong magnet can erase a hard drive but not your garden-variety refrigerator magnets.

An antivirus program is not necessary if you use a firewall. A firewall prevents unauthorized users to easily penetrate into your system remotely. You do not know anything about viruses.

The restart is bad for a computer. Press "Restart" does notHarm your computer at all, and in some cases you can actually do something good.

Update your computer software makes it faster. You can use your computer slows down if their current requirements are quite high.

Freeware is safe to download. Many free programs are funded through the bundling of adware in their programs. If you download the free software that installs the adware as well.

Computer technology has rapidly changed in a few decades and what is truethen to buy is not necessarily true. Today's computers are more efficient, safer and more stable and many of these beliefs do not withstand further scrutiny.

The Facts About Computers - Seven common misconceptions


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