
Thursday, April 21, 2011

How computers benefit society

Computers are wonderful machines. They are everywhere and of society depends on them to manage our world. No wonder that computer applications are almost unlimited, and that a uniform rate multiplied. Many of these applications are for the benefit of the Company, directly or indirectly. The three most important ways computers are benefiting society, creating more jobs in IT, the creation of new car safety features, and the openingInnovative methods of communication. Currently, there are many other useful features of these machines, as their use for diagnosing patients, running weather simulations to predict future weather patterns and the calculation of large sets of complex data. As new applications emerge for computer systems that will benefit society the benefits of it.

Creating more information technology (IT) professions is proportional to the number of new computer systems are put into operation in use.As new computers sold to consumers, the demand for IT jobs, the increase in what consumers need these professionals to maintain, update and repair their new computer systems. . More jobs will also be made available computer applications when they are new discoveries. This makes sense because new applications and new professionals who are trained to deal with this specific application. For example, when the World Wide Web was introduced, there have been many new jobs. Somethese professions ranging from web designers and server administrators to online marketing. These factors show that computers are for the good of the company directly through the creation of new jobs in IT, which is essential for the development of all workers in the country.

Computers & Guide

The computers were introduced in the late nineteenth century, the cars, for effects such as control of engine functions, fuel injection, and timing signal light. It is only recentlythat computers have begun to play a role in the characteristics of safety to save the lives of people from car to car manufacturers to create new ones. Airbags are a very important safety feature in a car. A computer is behind the wheel of a car that is equipped with airbags and to provide the only device able to signal the airbag in an accident away. According to McCormick (1999) is an estimate that "between 1990 and 1997, the airBags save about 150 lives in Canada. In the United States, estimates of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the air bag, from 1 September 1999, involved saved the lives of more than 4,600 Americans in car accidents. "This would not be possible without computer systems possible. Another popular safety feature is the ABS or ABS. The purpose of the antilock braking system is to stop in with a locked vehicle by its tires, which has been shown dramaticallya driver control in a possible accident. These security features have been positive for society, thanks to computers, reducing the number of road accidents and victims involved in accidents as such.

The Company depends on reliable and fast communication. Computers allow us to open the dependencies in advanced methods that meet these communications. A method of communication is known as electronic mail (e-mail). E-mail to amost common form of communication because it is free, reliable and above all incredibly fast. the nature of e-mail, and electronic-data because, based on computer to provide and receive information. Another popular method of communication is progressing rapidly instant messaging or chat. According to a survey (Shiu & Lenhart, 2004) "53 million American adults use instant messaging and its appeal is particularly evident among young adults and technology enthusiasts." SimilarE-mail, instant messaging allows many people to send text information to each other simultaneously. This form of communication is similar to a phone call, but with the electronic text as a means instead of a person's voice. Such as instant messaging is based on electronic text, is dependent on computer systems for use because they are the only devices capable of transmitting and processing of electronic data. Both new methods of communication are the peopletogether in a global sense, and this is for the good of society.

New problems for society will come again, and, therefore, problems such as the provision of computers. These machines are the workhorse of the future and, as such, the company depend heavily on them. As I said, the three most important ways computers are benefiting society now is by creating more jobs in IT, development of new car safety features, and open innovationCommunication methods. Therefore, computer systems have proven to be a great benefit to society through these three examples, and the company will continue to depend on the benefits of these systems in the future.

How computers benefit society


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